lundi 27 janvier 2014

Finding A Non Denominational Church

By Nelda Powers

A non denominational church can actually be any kind of Christian place of worship, but many of them follow a pattern familiar to those who seek out this sort of congregation. Basically, these are gatherings of believers who have no allegiance to any worldly governance than their own elders and pastor. The size, order of worship, and even day set aside for fellowship will vary widely.

A denomination is a national or international entity that sets forth certain doctrines - belief systems - and procedural rules for the churches under its leadership. They are generally in an advisory capacity but many do have to power to appoint and remove ministers, decide on matters concerning physical property - land and buildings - and change the by-laws if they choose. They also might provide funds, literature, and other support for local groups.

As the times change, denominational fellowships have suffered from internal conflict. The Episcopal denomination is one which has seen splits over doctrine and disputes over physical property in recent years. Congregations which choose to break away from the parent entity sometimes find that their physical house of worship belongs to the governors rather than to the fellowship.

As far as worship goes, many people choose to belong to a group that is part of a larger denomination. The most familiar groups to Americans include Roman Catholic, Southern Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterians, and Pentecostal. Others are colloquially called Mormon, Adventist, Jehovah's Witness, and Christian Scientist. These churches have certain rules, special hymnals for their praise songs, and may even have their own translations of Holy Scripture.

There are other classifications, also. Catholic or protestant are the most comprehensive umbrella terms. All Christian faith groups derive from the first gathering of believers in Jerusalem after Christ ascended into heaven. Catholic monasteries are credited with preserving ancient texts with great care and accuracy.

Those who prefer to rely only on scripture might choose to find a group that has no denominational structure. They look for a Bible-believing congregation and expect the minister and the elders to give their devotion and obedience to the Word of God. This can be found in a gathering in a private home or in many large sanctuaries that attract hundreds to every service.

These more independent churches have their own structure, often in the charismatic mode. They have enthusiastic worship, with praise singers and musicians and the words of the songs shown on screens in front of the congregation. They often advertise Bible-based, spirit-filled worship and teaching, and the ministers rely on divine inspiration as well as scriptural teaching for their messages at every service.

At the end of the day, both denominations and groups that comprise a non denominational church are part of the Body of Christ, which is the true church. All that is required is a sincere faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation. All other distinctions come from man and are subordinate to this great truth.

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