dimanche 19 janvier 2014

The Function Of Food For The Poor In Haiti

By Marissa Velazquez

There is no question but that food is one of the key elements needed for survival. Along with oxygen and water, humans must have sustenance in order to live. In many countries, food is plentiful, but too many people are going hungry every day. Food for the Poor in Haiti has a mission to provide food for as many of this nation's hungry people as possible. Further, the food the group provides is that which promotes and highest level of health.

The building blocks of your body are cells. You need the right type of nutrition to provide strong cells. Every part of the body is made of innumerable counts of the cells. The foods you eat is what your body uses to build the strong cells you need. When the cells are strong, the entire body is strong. The cell walls and the contents must be healthy in order to function correctly.

All the activities of the body require energy. These actions include eating sleeping, talking and walking. Carbohydrates in the substances that you eat provide energy or fuel to the body. This allows you to complete all the activities of daily living. Without fuel, you won't be able to complete activities needed to perform the simplest tasks.

The human body requires many different nutrients in order to be healthy. The foods that are consumed include the basic nutrients such as vitamins, proteins and minerals. Each of these components is important for the specific tasks they accomplish. For instance, you need to have iodine in the diet for a healthy thyroid gland and vitamin A for your vision.

The white blood cells form a barrier against germs, viruses and harmful invaders to the cells and bloodstream. The action is known as the immune system. It is like a defensive army which protects against disease and illness. In order to be sure of a healthy immune system, the right nutrients must be consumed on a regular basis.

A healthy mind depends on the foods you consume. When a person takes adequate amount of sustenance, it helps his brain to work properly. A good diet leads to efficient working of the mind. It helps to increase concentration power and build memory. Since everything in the body works on the command of brain, thus a healthy brain also means competent execution of overall body functions.

Lack of eating results in a number of negative effects. These can range from hunger pangs to weakness to death. Even missing out on vital nutrients can affect the overall health of a person. You need to replenish your supply of fuel to prevent the type of symptoms found in those suffering from malnutrition or starvation.

The goal of the Food for the Poor in Haiti is to offer sustenance to as many people as possible who otherwise would not be getting the type of nutrients that they need to be healthy and free of disease. A balanced basic diet is the need of every human being. It is even more important for children who are still growing and developing.

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