lundi 6 janvier 2014

Tips On Making The Magic Commitment In Your Relationship

By Lou Raedwulfe

You've been seeing each other for a while and it seems that, with each moment spent, the two of you are getting closer on all levels. You're pretty certain that he might be "the one" but, yet, every time the subject of making things permanent comes up he seems to hesitate or even pull back. So you find yourself asking: How can I get him to commit to me? I thought I had met my soul mate.

The answer really isn't magical, although the results may seem that way. Often times, the man is just as concerned about being rejected or refused as you are. There may be other issues that could be holding him back, perhaps even some that you really should know about before saying "yes". Here are some tips to weave your own "spell" to take the relationship to the next level.

1. Stressed out - Be sure that when you are ready to pop the question about commitment, that neither of you are under stress at the time.

2. Be aware of your body language - Nothing tells all like bad body language. Your body language has so much information in it that you may not be aware of. Folded arms across your chest suggests 'closed' and defensive.

3. Owning your feelings - This is your best opportunity to let him know how much you really value him in this relationship and what he means to you. This may calm down any stress he has about the subject of commitment and chances are he will tell you his truth if you tell him yours.

4. Opportunity - Facing the truth of what he may have to say is unnerving at best. If he says "Yes" it's a green light. If he says he's not ready yet and needs more time, this is your opportunity to stay and wait for him to be ready. He may need more time than you for that big of a decision. It is a gamble that he will be ready or not, but nothing ventured is certain to lead to nothing gained.

Making a decision to commit yourself, heart and soul, to another person can be the most magical thing a person can do. Yet the process is not magic but merely the art of using your own senses and feelings to navigate the uncertain waters of romance to the blissful shores of forever.

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